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SHAPE+: John Chantler

SHAPE+: John Chantler
Chantler es un músico y organizador de eventos que vive en Estocolmo, Suecia. En 2019, comenzó a construir un sistema para presentaciones que consiste en múltiples sintetizadores/altavoces alimentados por batería que se pueden suspender, balancear, girar y colocar en ubicaciones variables sin depender de la infraestructura típica de conciertos/clubes y los modos clásicos de interacción entre el intérprete y el público. Chantler es actualmente artista de SHAPE+ platform para música innovadora y arte audiovisual, cofinanciada por la UE y Pro Helvetia.
John Chantler comparte algunos de sus trabajos recientes junto con un amplio análisis de los archivos del festival Edition con breves extractos de presentaciones más largas de cada edición anual. El programa también incluye lanzamientos de Fönstret,el sello creado por el festival para sacar a la luz formalmente material de los archivos y promover a artistas locales como Lisa Ullén e Isak Hedtjärn. Chantler es actualmente un artista de la plataforma SHAPE+ para música innovadora y arte audiovisual, cofinanciada por la UE y ProHelvetia.

1. 00:00
John Chantler — Small Fires (Version)
2. 03:13
John Chantler — Eli Licking Ice
3. 05:49
Marja Ahti — Touch This Fragrant Surface of Earth
[Seventh Edition Festival for Other Music, unreleased]
4. 08:57
Ellen Fullman & Okkyung Lee — The Air Around Her Pt I
(1703 Skivbolaget, LP)
5. 12:09
Uday Bhawalker — Raga Jog
[Sixth Edition Festival for Other Music, unreleased)]
6. 23:05
Marginal Consort — Live
[Third Edition Festival for Other Music, unreleased]
7. 25:29
Annea Lockwood — Immersion (performed by Sarah Hennies & Henrik Olsson)
[Fourth Edition Festival for Other Music, unreleased]
8. 26:01
Joe McPhee & Graham Lambkin — Live
[First Edition Festival for Other Music, unreleased]
9. 32:41
Lisa Ullén — Fragrance
[Heirloom (Fönstret LP)]
10. 34:36
John Chantler / Steve Noble / Seymour Wright — Day Two Edit
11. 36:53
Ikue Mori & Steve Noble — Live
[Second Edition Festival for Other Music, unreleased]
12. 39:45
Isak Hedtjärn — Kvarplek
[Kvarpan (Fönstret LP)]
13. 43:26
Éliane Radigue — Occam Hexa IV
[Västerås Domkyrka, unreleased]
14. 51:57
Kommun — Ephemeralds
[Live at Fylkingen, unreleased]
15. 55:06
[Ahmed] — Rooh (The Soul)
[Giant Beauty, Fönstret 5CD Box]
Artist bio: John Chantler is a musician and organiser living in Stockholm, Sweden. In 2019 he started building a system for performance consisting of multiple battery powered synthesizer/speaker things that can be variably suspended, swung, spun and set in locations without depending on the typical concert/club infrastructure and classical modes of performer/audience interaction. Chantler is currently an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and audiovisual art, co-funded by the EU.
Broadcast description: John Chantler shares some of his own recent work alongside a wide-ranging scan of Edition Festival festival archives with short excerpts from longer performances from each annual edition. The programme also includes releases from Fönstret, the label set up by the festival to formally surface material from the archives and promote local artists such as Lisa Ullén and Isak Hedtjärn. Chantler is currently an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and audiovisual art, co-funded by the EU and ProHelvetia.